Your Daily Dose of Awesome: New Trailer for Bas Rutten’s “Punk Payback”

(Props to IronForgesIron.) 

For those of you who heard about Bas Rutten’s new series launching on FUELTV and thought it was some sort of Bully Beatdown rip off, then this new teaser trailer should ease you worries. Described as a “comedic, street fight survival series,” Punk Payback premiers Nov 2nd and from what I gathered is entirely devoted to continuing the awesomeness that we have been devoid of since “El Guapo” released his series of self defense videos. It’s safe to say that nothing has made me want a 3D television more than the possibility of seeing Mr. Rutten kick some 17 year old kid in the balls.

Check out an extended preview of the show after the jump.

(Props to IronForgesIron.) 

For those of you who heard about Bas Rutten’s new series launching on FUELTV and thought it was some sort of Bully Beatdown rip off, then this new teaser trailer should ease you worries. Described as a “comedic, street fight survival series,” Punk Payback premiers Nov 2nd and from what I gathered is entirely devoted to continuing the awesomeness that we have been devoid of since “El Guapo” released his series of self defense videos. It’s safe to say that nothing has made me want a 3D television more than the possibility of seeing Mr. Rutten kick some 17 year old kid in the balls.

Below, we have a little more in depth look at the show, and by “in depth” I mean clips of Bas headbutting and kneeing groins on a loop.

If you can correctly guess how many spleens and/or kidneys Bas breaks over the course of the first season, we will give the names of the poor men’s families so you can offer your condolences.  And maybe a shirt.
