Yves Edwards: A Career Well-Fought

It’s still one of the most cherished DVDs in my collection, and I’ve never hesitated to tell Yves Edwards and Aaron Riley about it. Back in 1999 and 2001, the two lightweight pioneers engaged in two wars immortalized in a documentary produc…

It’s still one of the most cherished DVDs in my collection, and I’ve never hesitated to tell Yves Edwards and Aaron Riley about it. Back in 1999 and 2001, the two lightweight pioneers engaged in two wars immortalized in a documentary produced by the promoter of the pair of bouts, HOOKnSHOOT, and for fans of a sport that still hadn’t reached the mainstream, it was the equivalent of Bob Dylan’s Basement Tapes. You knew about it, you probably saw it, but your buddy down the block had no clue.And if you finished watching the DVD, the lasting impression was probably that … Read the Full Article Here