Screw It, Today Is the Day We Pass 20,000 Fans on Facebook [UPDATED]

( Ruining the sport since 2007.)

UPDATE: And it is aaaaaaaall over! Thanks so much to all our fans. Here’s to 20,000 more!

On July 22nd, 2011 — exactly two years ago today — passed 10,000 fans. Sure, we were forced to do some begging in order to make it happen, but the point is, it happened, and it was a proud day for our site.

At the time of this writing, CagePotato’s Facebook page has 19,968 fans, just 32 bodies away from the 20k milestone.

So, here’s what we need: If you’re not already a fan of CP on Facebook, please head over there and “like” our page. We promise to not spam your timeline incessently. About 3-4 times per day, we post links to our best content, along with additional photos and videos that you won’t find on the site — or anywhere else, in some cases. It’ll take five seconds of your time, and it’s totally worth it. We can do this. I know we can.

And just to sweeten the deal: If we pass 20,000 fans today, three of our new followers will be randomly selected to receive CagePotato t-shirts. Sound good? Now let’s get it!

( Ruining the sport since 2007.)

UPDATE: And it is aaaaaaaall over! Thanks so much to all our fans. Here’s to 20,000 more!

On July 22nd, 2011 — exactly two years ago today — passed 10,000 fans. Sure, we were forced to do some begging in order to make it happen, but the point is, it happened, and it was a proud day for our site.

At the time of this writing, CagePotato’s Facebook page has 19,968 fans, just 32 bodies away from the 20k milestone.

So, here’s what we need: If you’re not already a fan of CP on Facebook, please head over there and “like” our page. We promise to not spam your timeline incessently. About 3-4 times per day, we post links to our best content, along with additional photos and videos that you won’t find on the site — or anywhere else, in some cases. It’ll take five seconds of your time, and it’s totally worth it. We can do this. I know we can.

And just to sweeten the deal: If we pass 20,000 fans today, three of our new followers will be randomly selected to receive CagePotato t-shirts. Sound good? Now let’s get it!

PSA: If You Loved Me, You’d Follow BuzzerBeat on Facebook

(Internet personality Mike Tyson‘s latest brilliant cameo.)

We try to keep the begging to a minimum around here. But I could really use your help today. Me and our homeboy Fidel from TuVez have joined forces to launch a new site called It’s a really simple concept: The best sports videos, delivered daily. So I’m gonna cash in that favor you owe me, and ask you to do the following…

1) Take five seconds and “Like” BuzzerBeat’s Facebook page. Just one click is all we ask.

2) If you have some time to kill at the office, why not actually browse through the site? You’ll find the latest game-highlights, bizarre sports-related viral videos, and classic clips featuring newsmaking athletes. We vow to become the Internet’s #1 source for Gronk.

And hell, let’s make it interesting — I’m going to select a commenter from the BuzzerBeat facebook page at the end of the day and hook him/her up with the latest version of our CagePotato Devil’s Horns t-shirt, the one with the fist on the back. (Yeah, you didn’t even know those existed, huh?)

Any questions, let me know in the comments section. Thanks, guys.

(Internet personality Mike Tyson‘s latest brilliant cameo.)

We try to keep the begging to a minimum around here. But I could really use your help today. Me and our homeboy Fidel from TuVez have joined forces to launch a new site called It’s a really simple concept: The best sports videos, delivered daily. So I’m gonna cash in that favor you owe me, and ask you to do the following…

1) Take five seconds and “Like” BuzzerBeat’s Facebook page. Just one click is all we ask.

2) If you have some time to kill at the office, why not actually browse through the site? You’ll find the latest game-highlights, bizarre sports-related viral videos, and classic clips featuring newsmaking athletes. We vow to become the Internet’s #1 source for Gronk.

And hell, let’s make it interesting — I’m going to select a commenter from the BuzzerBeat facebook page at the end of the day and hook him/her up with the latest version of our CagePotato Devil’s Horns t-shirt, the one with the fist on the back. (Yeah, you didn’t even know those existed, huh?)

Any questions, let me know in the comments section. Thanks, guys.