Dana White: Everyday Guy, Everyday Twitter Fight

Mma fighters, and all athletes for that matter, can gain positive or negative effects from fans, magazines, and the general public by their actions. Twitter is the source of much of this negative feedback. We.

Mma fighters, and all athletes for that matter, can gain positive or negative effects from fans, magazines, and the general public by their actions. Twitter is the source of much of this negative feedback. We can all remember the time Frank Mir tweeted that he wanted Brock Lesnar to die from octagon related injuries. Or the time Marcus Davis tweeted that he hoped Dan Hardy got AIDS and died. Although these tweets were over the top, sometimes when athletes or athletic executives engage in “normal”, ordinary behavior, it can be entertaining to fans while at the same time they can relate more to that person.

Recently, Dana White did just the thing. Dana White is such a likeable guy because he is approachable, will curse like a sailor, makes inappropriate jokes, and acts like your buddy. He acts like a normal, everyday guy which gives him a lot of public appeal. White recently got into a fight with a Jersey Shore Guido looking character. This guy, supposedly named Joseph Thomas or “@tweetontilt”, started a feud with White. Thomas was apparently giving White beef about the small crowd attendance at UFC on Fuel 3.

Like I said before, Dana White is a funny guy and loves to crack jokes. Here a couple of the tweets he sent to Thomas:

“@tweetontilt those eyebrows jumped it. LOL Pauly D wants his hair back, that lady from Jesery wants her tan back and nobody wants the brows”

— Dana White (@danawhite) May 16, 2012

“@tweetontilt I’m sorry bro I can’t fight with u on twitter!!! Everytime I look at ur face I start cracking up. Now I feel bad, sorry LMFAO”

— Dana White (@danawhite) May 16, 2012

The two left on alright terms, as no serious harm was caused. However, it proves that being an athlete or executive, you can still have fun. It is just important not to go over the top. I’m sorry, but hoping a fellow fighter will get AIDS and die is excessive. This is a perfect example why everyone loves Dana. He is funny, he says what is on his mind, and he has the type of personality where you want to be around him, and be his friend. This won’t hurt his reputation, in fact it will probably just because more people to like his blunt, but lovable characteristics.

-Elise Kapala

Twit Pic of the Week: Dana White Has a Huge Sweet Tooth

Dana White tweeted this picture of himself holding a giant box of the delicious candy treats that you must be very careful not to spill unless you’re being chased. Those suckers will scatter and trip.

Dana White tweeted this picture of himself holding a giant box of the delicious candy treats that you must be very careful not to spill unless you’re being chased. Those suckers will scatter and trip up your assailant, for sure!

Dana tweeted this caption with his NERDS: “Look I just bumped into ALL the guys from the underground!”

Man, that’s a lot of NERDS. Follow Dana White: here.