Alistair Overeem Sentenced to Community Service, Anger Management for Alleged Lady-Shoving

(Does *this* look like the face of a man who might beat you to death with a large ceremonial hammer?)

You can all exhale now — Alistair Overeem‘s dust up at the Wynn Las Vegas hotel earlier this year, in which he allegedly shoved a woman, will not result in a jail sentence. This is good news for UFC fans who are salivating over his upcoming heavyweight title fight against Junior Dos Santos at UFC 146, and great news for the lucky bastard who just avoided becoming the Reem’s cell mate. (I’m just saying, he’s a big man, and he needs love.)

Overeem waived his right to a trial and did not appear in court for his misdemeanor battery hearing yesterday. While he was busy throwing out energy fields at the UFC 146 press conference, Overeem’s attorney David Chesnoff finalized a plea deal that will require the fighter to fulfill 50 hours of community service and to undergo anger-management counseling. Hopefully Alistair learns to channel his aggression into something positive, like party-rocking. Overeem also received a suspended 90-day jail sentence, but the matter will be dismissed as long as he meets the conditions laid out by the court.

Without sharing details of the case, Overeem described the situation as a lesson about the differences between Holland and America:

(Does *this* look like the face of a man who might beat you to death with a large ceremonial hammer?)

You can all exhale now — Alistair Overeem‘s dust up at the Wynn Las Vegas hotel earlier this year, in which he allegedly shoved a woman, will not result in a jail sentence. This is good news for UFC fans who are salivating over his upcoming heavyweight title fight against Junior Dos Santos at UFC 146, and great news for the lucky bastard who just avoided becoming the Reem’s cell mate. (I’m just saying, he’s a big man, and he needs love.)

Overeem waived his right to a trial and did not appear in court for his misdemeanor battery hearing yesterday. While he was busy throwing out energy fields at the UFC 146 press conference, Overeem’s attorney David Chesnoff finalized a plea deal that will require the fighter to fulfill 50 hours of community service and to undergo anger-management counseling. Hopefully Alistair learns to channel his aggression into something positive, like party-rocking. Overeem also received a suspended 90-day jail sentence, but the matter will be dismissed as long as he meets the conditions laid out by the court.

Without sharing details of the case, Overeem described the situation as a lesson about the differences between Holland and America:

Being famous in the States is definitely different than being famous in Holland or anywhere else, and it comes with a lot of advantages and some disadvantages. You need to learn how to deal with it,” said Overeem, who is now employing a security detail. “In Holland, I can just go to the grocery store and buy my eggs and milk, and here you might be under attack. Some situation may come up and you’re drawn into it and suddenly it’s world news. We don’t have that in Holland.”

Assuming they don’t make Overeem pick up cans off the side of the highway like some common schmuck, how do you think he should spend his 50 hours of community service?

Alistair Overeem Charged With Battery After Allegedly Shoving Woman Following UFC 141

(He learned from the best.)

According to a new Las Vegas Review Journal report, Alistair Overeem has been charged with one count of misdemeanor battery after he allegedly “pushed or shoved a woman in the face, causing her to stagger back.” The charge stemmed from an incident at the Wynn Las Vegas hotel at about 3 a.m. on January 2nd, two nights after Overeem demolished Brock Lesnar in his Octagon debut at UFC 141. If convicted, the heavyweight contender faces up to six months in the Clark County Detention Center and up to a $1,000 fine.

Overeem is scheduled to appear in court at 8 a.m. on February 21st. Said his lawyer, attorney-to-the-stars David Chesnoff: “Alistair was not arrested, but was summoned to court. There are two sides to this story and we intend on vigorously defending this. Alistair maintains his innocence.” The UFC has declined to comment.

Let’s hope this is just a shakedown attempt by a woman who simply got in the Reem’s way, or perhaps some innocent roughhousing that went a little too far. Overeem comes off as a genuinely nice guy, but of course, this wouldn’t be the first time that he’s gotten violent with civilians in public. We’ll update you when we know more.

(He learned from the best.)

According to a new Las Vegas Review Journal report, Alistair Overeem has been charged with one count of misdemeanor battery after he allegedly “pushed or shoved a woman in the face, causing her to stagger back.” The charge stemmed from an incident at the Wynn Las Vegas hotel at about 3 a.m. on January 2nd, two nights after Overeem demolished Brock Lesnar in his Octagon debut at UFC 141. If convicted, the heavyweight contender faces up to six months in the Clark County Detention Center and up to a $1,000 fine.

Overeem is scheduled to appear in court at 8 a.m. on February 21st. Said his lawyer, attorney-to-the-stars David Chesnoff: “Alistair was not arrested, but was summoned to court. There are two sides to this story and we intend on vigorously defending this. Alistair maintains his innocence.” The UFC has declined to comment.

Let’s hope this is just a shakedown attempt by a woman who simply got in the Reem’s way, or perhaps some innocent roughhousing that went a little too far. Overeem comes off as a genuinely nice guy, but of course, this wouldn’t be the first time that he’s gotten violent with civilians in public. We’ll update you when we know more.

WTF?! of the Day: Sean Sherk Mistaken for Crime Warlord, Temporarily Detained in UK

(This is what I get for offering them a ticket to The Gun Show.) 

Oh, those wacky Brits. It appears that, while touring the UK as part of a MMA seminar tour, former UFC lightweight champion Sean Sherk was accidentally pegged in connection with a well known crime boss (our guess would be Salvatore Riina) when the vehicle he was riding in was stopped at a roadblock.

After a small misunderstanding, machine gun toting bobbies descended upon Sherk and forcefully removed him from the car, which they believed to be loaded with illegal firearms. Fighters Only has the exclusive:

As he was being ferried into the area, the car he was travelling in was stopped by a roadblock and armed police swooped on the vehicle. Police had the vehicle on their database as being linked to a local man who they believe to be a key gangland figure. 

Sherk thought the car was being subjected to a routine stop until it turned out to involve several carloads of police officers carrying automatic weapons, including Hechler and Koch MP5 machine guns – the UK police do not normally carry guns. 

Having remained sat in his passenger seat because he had not understood an instruction to exit the vehicle, Sherk was dragged out by tense officers. They cuffed his hands behind his back and pulled him away where he was none too gently searched before being dumped on the floor.

(This is what I get for offering them a ticket to The Gun Show.) 

Oh, those wacky Brits. It appears that, while touring the UK as part of a MMA seminar tour, former UFC lightweight champion Sean Sherk was accidentally pegged in connection with a well known crime boss (our guess would be Salvatore Riina) when the vehicle he was riding in was stopped at a roadblock.

After a small misunderstanding, machine gun toting bobbies descended upon Sherk and forcefully removed him from the car, which they believed to be loaded with illegal firearms. Fighters Only has the exclusive:

As he was being ferried into the area, the car he was travelling in was stopped by a roadblock and armed police swooped on the vehicle. Police had the vehicle on their database as being linked to a local man who they believe to be a key gangland figure. 

Sherk thought the car was being subjected to a routine stop until it turned out to involve several carloads of police officers carrying automatic weapons, including Hechler and Koch MP5 machine guns – the UK police do not normally carry guns. 

Having remained sat in his passenger seat because he had not understood an instruction to exit the vehicle, Sherk was dragged out by tense officers. They cuffed his hands behind his back and pulled him away where he was none too gently searched before being dumped on the floor.

After finding no such weaponry in Sherk’s car, “The Muscle Shark” was sent on his way with nothing more than a hell of a foreign relations story to tweet to his army of Xenophobic followers.

The report also states that Sherk took the British blunder in “good spirits” but made note that “despite the widespread ‘village constable’ reputation that UK police have – the officers were much more aggressive and heavy-handed than what he has ever experienced in the US.” Apparently he doesn’t follow the news that closely.


Blame Canada: Brock Lesnar Charged Thrice in Relation to Hunting Trip

brock hunting
(Hey amigo, don’t forget to bag the stool. I’ll be making salad as a side tonight.) 

One minute it’s an emergency NSAC meeting, and now this. Don’t worry folks, the charges facing former UFC heavyweight champion Brock Lesnar will not affect his December 30th battle with Alistair Overeem at UFC 141, but Lesnar is now a fugitive in a country where sodomy is legal nonetheless. The charges aimed at Brock stem from a recent hunting trip he took to Alberta; I’ll let explain:

A recent hunting trip to Alberta has landed former WWE and Ultimate Fighting Champion Brock Lesnar in some trouble.

Fish and Wildlife officers confirmed the international celebrity has been charged with three counts in contravention to the Alberta Fish and Wildlife Act.  The charges came before Medicine Hat Provincial Court Thursday morning and include improper affixation of tags, spoilage of skin and edible flesh and possession of a controlled animal.

Neither Lesnar, nor his co-accused Chad Stryker, appeared in person in court.  Their matter has been put over until January 19th.

Phew. At first, the charges don’t sound that bad. That is, until you consider the fact that the controlled animal in question was a Garthok.

brock hunting
(Hey amigo, don’t forget to bag the stool. I’ll be making salad as a side tonight.) 

One minute it’s an emergency NSAC meeting, and now this. Don’t worry folks, the charges facing former UFC heavyweight champion Brock Lesnar will not affect his December 30th battle with Alistair Overeem at UFC 141, but Lesnar is now a fugitive in a country where sodomy is legal nonetheless. The charges aimed at Brock stem from a recent hunting trip he took to Alberta; I’ll let explain:

A recent hunting trip to Alberta has landed former WWE and Ultimate Fighting Champion Brock Lesnar in some trouble.

Fish and Wildlife officers confirmed the international celebrity has been charged with three counts in contravention to the Alberta Fish and Wildlife Act.  The charges came before Medicine Hat Provincial Court Thursday morning and include improper affixation of tags, spoilage of skin and edible flesh and possession of a controlled animal.

Neither Lesnar, nor his co-accused Chad Stryker, appeared in person in court.  Their matter has been put over until January 19th.

Phew. At first, the charges don’t sound that bad. That is, until you consider the fact that the controlled animal in question was a Garthok. And did you say Chad Stryker…with a y? Does Brock only befriend people with 1980′s action hero names like his own?

We here at CP have yet to learn the seriousness of these charges, but if Quinton Jackson can go on a literal rampage across Southern California and come away clean, then it’s hard to imagine Lesnar can be in any real trouble here. In fact, according to our Canadian law expert, the worst punishment Lesnar could face would be forced participation in the annual Burn’s Day supper, as is tradition.

But let’s get to the real story here; this is clearly a shallow attempt by our northerly neighbors to spoil our New Years festivities, likely because they blame us for GSP’s injury. And like it’s our fault that he trusts our surgeons more. All I’m saying is, the Baldwin brothers better watch their backs.


Brett Rogers Speaks Out on Arrest and Announces His Next Bout

(Video courtesy of Zombie Prophet)

Two months after his arrest following a domestic disturbance in his home, Brett Rogers is ready to face the public. On last night’s episode of Inside MMA, “The Grim” sat down with Ron Kruck to discuss the case and announce his upcoming bout. Rogers will step into a Dakota County District Court on September 13th to face felony charges of third degree assault, terroristic threats, and harassment and stalking. The now-happy couple seems ready to move on with their lives.

Brett Rogers: “I was told not to go in to details. The situation that occurred, it happened, and it was more of a misunderstanding when I look at it. The papers can write whatever [ed. note: Awesome! Thanks, Brett]. But we still are going through the legal process.”

Tiuana Rogers: “We’d just rather move forward and be positive.”

In keeping with the ‘staying positive’ them, Rogers’ attorney likes their chances as they head into court.

(Video courtesy of Zombie Prophet)

Two months after his arrest following a domestic disturbance in his home, Brett Rogers is ready to face the public. On last night’s episode of Inside MMA, “The Grim” sat down with Ron Kruck to discuss the case and announce his upcoming bout. Rogers will step into a Dakota County District Court on September 13th to face felony charges of third degree assault, terroristic threats, and harassment and stalking. The now-happy couple seems ready to move on with their lives.

Brett Rogers: “I was told not to go in to details. The situation that occurred, it happened, and it was more of a misunderstanding when I look at it. The papers can write whatever [ed. note: Awesome! Thanks, Brett]. But we still are going through the legal process.”

Tiuana Rogers: “We’d just rather move forward and be positive.”

In keeping with the ‘staying positive’ them, Rogers’ attorney likes their chances as they head into court:

“The state is going to have some significant proof issues. The alleged victim is Brett’s wife. And this is a family that has been together for a long time. They love each other, and Mrs. Rogers at this point, appears not to be willing to testify against Brett.”

While they may not have the benefit of Tiuana Rogers taking the stand, prosecutors do have other witnesses to the crime. From the criminal complaint:

A neighbor reported that he had looked out his residence window and saw Rogers standing over T.R. [Brett’s wife] and punching her multiple times in the head and face as she lay on the ground. Another neighbor stated he saw T.R. with blood streaming from her face and mouth and what looked like a missing tooth.

At the time of the incident, “The Grim” admitted that he had been drinking and told police that his wife had struck him first, and that he’d merely responded in kind. Mrs. Rogers may be unwilling to testify now, but she did speak with authorities on the evening of the alleged assault:

T.R. advised that she and her husband had been arguing that night. He became angry and grabbed her with both hands around her neck and squeezed. She was able to get away and went into the back yard. Her husband followed her and got her on the ground and began hitting her about her head and face, causing her to “black out.”

At the time, Tiuana made it clear that she did not want to file charges as she feared it would have a negative effect on her husband’s employement. She was right. But the Rogers family is looking to move on with their lives, and Brett has already signed on with another organization. His next bout will go down on September 24th under the Titan FC banner. His opponent at Titan Fighting Championships 20 will be former UFC heavyweight Eddie Sanchez. After dropping three of his last four fights to the murderer’s row of Fedor-Alistair-Barnett, a fight against a journeyman like Sanchez sounds about right. Also featured on the card will be a headline bout between Jamie Varner and Alonzo Martinez. The event will be broadcast live on HDNet.

With his trial date set just eleven days prior to the bout, it looks like everyone here is banking that Brett will be found innocent, have an extremely short sentence, or simply not be carted off directly to jail should he be convicted of any of the felony charges facing him.

Joe Son Convicted on Torture Charge Related to 1990 Gang-Rape, Faces 15 Years to Life

(Why so glum, Joey? Prison is a magical place, just *full* of gang-rape.)

Justice has finally defeated UFC veteran/actor/rapist Joe Son. The thong-clad scumbag‘s gang-rape trial came to an end yesterday, with Son eating a felony conviction that could put him in prison for the rest of his pathetic-ass life. SFGate has the details:

Joseph Hyungmin Son was found guilty of one felony count of torture Thursday. A statute of limitations had expired on other counts. Prosecutors say Son and an accomplice pulled the victim into a car on Christmas Eve in 1990 and drove her toward Huntington Beach as they beat her with a gun and raped her. The investigation had gone cold until Son was required to provide a DNA sample in 2008 in connection with a vandalism sentence. He faces a maximum sentence of 15 years to life in state prison.

Four years after the rape, Son debuted in the UFC as a Bible-thumping nutpunch-magnet. Any guesses on how long he’ll last in prison?

(Why so glum, Joey? Prison is a magical place, just *full* of gang-rape.)

Justice has finally defeated UFC veteran/actor/rapist Joe Son. The thong-clad scumbag‘s gang-rape trial came to an end yesterday, with Son eating a felony conviction that could put him in prison for the rest of his pathetic-ass life. SFGate has the details:

Joseph Hyungmin Son was found guilty of one felony count of torture Thursday. A statute of limitations had expired on other counts. Prosecutors say Son and an accomplice pulled the victim into a car on Christmas Eve in 1990 and drove her toward Huntington Beach as they beat her with a gun and raped her. The investigation had gone cold until Son was required to provide a DNA sample in 2008 in connection with a vandalism sentence. He faces a maximum sentence of 15 years to life in state prison.

Four years after the rape, Son debuted in the UFC as a Bible-thumping nutpunch-magnet. Any guesses on how long he’ll last in prison?