Morning ‘WTF?’: Tim Kennedy Does a Spot-On Katy Perry in New ‘Part of Me’ Parody [VIDEO]

(“Gettin’ clean before we get dirty, I see? Alright then, baby, that’s…[*vomits*]”)

Katy Perry‘s latest video for “Part of Me” tells the story of a young woman who decides to enlist in the Marines after seeing her boyfriend canoodling with a co-worker. (Bear with us, this gets better.) So, she chops her hair off, embarks on an epic training montage, and when she gets a letter from her old beau, she burns it like the worthless trash it is. In the end, she is in a world of shit, yes, but she is alive, and she is not afraid.

God only knows why Ranger Up and actual-member-of-the-United-States-Armed-Forces Tim Kennedy decided to do a scene-by-scene parody of the video. Kennedy seems to be mocking the idea that joining the military is a logical response to having a bad day, but we think Tim just needed an excuse to put on a cheap wig and dance around with his friends. The point is, this happened, it really exists, and you can watch it below.

(“Gettin’ clean before we get dirty, I see? Alright then, baby, that’s…[*vomits*]“)

Katy Perry‘s latest video for “Part of Me” tells the story of a young woman who decides to enlist in the Marines after seeing her boyfriend canoodling with a co-worker. (Bear with us, this gets better.) So, she chops her hair off, embarks on an epic training montage, and when she gets a letter from her old beau, she burns it like the worthless trash it is. In the end, she is in a world of shit, yes, but she is alive, and she is not afraid.

God only knows why Ranger Up and actual-member-of-the-United-States-Armed-Forces Tim Kennedy decided to do a scene-by-scene parody of the video. Kennedy seems to be mocking the idea that joining the military is a logical response to having a bad day, but we think Tim just needed an excuse to put on a cheap wig and dance around with his friends. The point is, this happened, it really exists, and you can watch it below.


“YOU’RE *SUCH*! A *LIAR*!” = comedy gold.