MMA Fighters and Their Custom Luxury Homes

At the apex of their long and illustrious careers, many athletes will measure their success by the cars they drive and the homes they own.
What else could motivate someone to endure gruelling training and even more intense competition year after year? …

At the apex of their long and illustrious careers, many athletes will measure their success by the cars they drive and the homes they own.

What else could motivate someone to endure gruelling training and even more intense competition year after year? For a mixed martial artistwho gets punched, kicked and choked as part of his jobthis is doubly true.

MMA fighters are as famous and successful as any other athlete these days, and one scan of the Internet produces photos of multimillion-dollar fighter cribs complete with swimming pools, hot tubs and multicar garages.

Here are some MMA fighters and their luxury homes—some more luxurious than others.

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