In our UFC Mexico City co-main event, Carla Esparza takes on Alexa Grasso in strawweight action.
Round 1:
A nice combination from Grasso to start things off, but Esparza lands a big shot of her own. Grasso sneaks in a right hand. Grasso eats a leg kick to deliver a right hand and combination. Esparza gets a deep takedown right into Grasso’s full guard. Grasso uses upkicks and is able to get back to her feet. Esparza connects with a hook and has a takedown stuffed. They clinch up against the cage and exchange knees. A judo throw takedown for Esparza, but after a scramble, Grasso gets to her feet. The round ends with a hard left hand landing fro Grasso.
Round 2:
Esparza gets a nice takedown to start off the round, but Grasso remains aggressive from her full guard. Esparza trying to stay busy from the top, but Grasso is also active off her back. After a scramble, Esparza takes the back, but Grasso gets to her feet. A big 1-2 combination stuns Esparza. Esparza lands a nice overhand in response. A takedown from Esparza now right back into Grasso’s full guard. The round comes to an end.
Round 3:
A nice combination lands for Grasso off an Esparza leg kick. Both ladies exchange big shots in the pocket, but Grasso rocks Esparza badly. Grasso stuffs a few takedown attempts but eats a knee. Grasso with another nice shot and she stuff yet another takedown into a submission attempt.
Now Grazzo gets an armbar attempt in. A very nice scramble from Esparza to get out of the armbar. Grasso tries for a triangle choke but can’t lock it up. Elbows from Grasso from the bottom. Grasso gets to her feet and they’re exchanging bit shots with seconds left. The fight comes to an end.
Official Result: Carla Esparza def. Alexa Grasso via majority decision (28-28, 29-28, 29-28)
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