Kicking off the UFC Fight Island 4 main card is a middleweight bout between Dequan Townsend and Dusko Todorovic.
Round 1: Todorovic closes the distance really quick with some hooks but Townsend reverses and clinches him against the fence. Todorovic escapes from the clinch with a left hook that connects. Todorovic now has Townsend clinched against the fence. Townsend lands a knee which may have been low. Townsend lands some huge strikes but Todorovic eats them. Townsend responds with some big shots of his own as Townsend is up against the fence again. They separate. Todorovic lands a huge right but Townsend eats it. Townsend lands a chopping leg kick. Todorovic lands his own. Todorovic connects with a huge flurry of shots but Townsend somehow eats it. Todorovic lands a few more as they end the round swinging.
Round 2: Townsend is more aggressive to start the second round. Todorovic misses a spinning wheel kick. Townsend would miss as spinning back kick soon after. Todorovic quickly level changes and lands a huge double leg takedown. Todorovic looks to mount him but Townsend is defending well. Todorovic transitions from side control to mount and starts landing heavy ground and pound to get the win.
Official result: Dusko Todorovic defeats Dequan Townsend via TKO (R2, ).