More MMA Art That Doesn’t Suck

He really manages to capture almost *all* of Diego’s crazy. And bodily fluid. ArtProps: “Reflex” by Jorg R. Dubin

We’ve shared before with you our opinion on the state of artwork involving MMA, and we’ve showcased everything from scribblings to a double handful of caricatures by some guy on the internet, to a gallery exhibition by a “serious artist” featuring MMA fighters.

(You can tell he’s a serious artist because he has boobies in his paintings he’s examining sports combat themes and how they relate to the struggles in the lives of the average joe. Or something like that — look, he paints on linen and people pay 15 grand for his work, guy must be legit, right?)

We’re pleased to pass along the report that MMA-themed artwork continues to flourish, as evidenced by the increasing level of skill and creativity put into some of our favorites. Check out the updated collection of MMA Artwork That Doesn’t Suck after the jump.

He really manages to capture almost *all* of Diego’s crazy. And bodily fluid. ArtProps: “Reflex” by Jorg R. Dubin

We’ve shared before with you our opinion on the state of artwork involving MMA, and we’ve showcased everything from scribblings to a double handful of caricatures by some guy on the internet, to a gallery exhibition by a “serious artist” featuring MMA fighters.

(You can tell he’s a serious artist because he has boobies in his paintings he’s examining sports combat themes and how they relate to the struggles in the lives of the average joe. Or something like that — look, he paints on linen and people pay 15 grand for his work, guy must be legit, right?)

We’re pleased to pass along the report that MMA-themed artwork continues to flourish, as evidenced by the increasing level of skill and creativity put into some of our favorites. Check out the updated collection of MMA Artwork That Doesn’t Suck after the jump.

MMA Undercurrent Series

We stumbled onto Erena Shimoda’s photography completely by accident, and were blown away. Shimoda’s signature underwater photography simultaneously slows the action of MMA and smooths the rough edges of violence from the technique being displayed. We don’t really know what it means, but it’s beautiful.


Art of the Dojo

Perhaps not quite so “high art”, portraiture is one of the most easily enjoyed art forms, since we all enjoy a pretty face.  Of course, if you can make a mug like Sakuraba’s aesthetically pleasing, you have our attention. Much respect to Mr Smith for these kinetically-charged portraits; you can check out MOAR of his work at his website.