Kicking off the UFC Fight Island 7 main card is a middleweight bout between Punahele Soriano and Dusko Todorovic.
Round 1: Todorovic opens with a front kick but is caught by a Soriano counter punch. Both fighters are swinging early on but neither have been seriously hurt yet. Todorovic connects with a front kick to the body before landing a left hook. Todorovic lands a body kick but slips right after. Soriano connects with a big right that definitely tagged Todorovic but he’s not seriously hurt. Soriano is swinging wild but Todorovic uses impressive head movement to evade the bulk of them. Soriano drops Todorovic with a huge left hand! Todorovic somehow manages to survive after a scramble on the ground. However, Soriano lands another left hand that drops Todorovic. Soriano lets him get up to his feet though the fight is momentarily stopped as Todorovic’s mouth piece is stuck in between the cage. The fight resumes and Soriano connects again to drop Todorovic as the referee stops the fight.
Official result: Punahele Soriano defeats Dusko Todorovic via TKO (4:48).