Amanda Lucas Defeats Hikaru Shinohara; Hikaru Shinohara Defeats Her Cornerman

(YouTube props: CrazyLuke111)

Whenever a psuedo-celebrity climbs into the cage, something in our TMZ-infested DNA makes us take a little extra notice. A fight that would normally pass right on by without a second thought suddenly sparks a curiosity in the back of our brain. Promoters put these fights on with just that in mind, hoping that the anomaly will pay off in a little added exposure. Thus far in her career, Amanda Lucas has proven to be a goldmine in that respect.

We’re not saying that she isn’t taking her job as a fighter seriously (nor are we saying that she is, really), but the fates have intervened to garner her far more attention than her name alone could ever deliver, and very little of it has to do with her directly. First, a scheduled bout against Heather Martin was canceled last April when her opponent showed up an incredible 13 lbs. over the agreed upon weight limit. Then she had the displeasure of getting rag-dolled at the 2011 Mundials by Strikeforce 145 lb Women’s Champion Cristiane “Cyborg” Santos. Now when a dominant victory could speak for itself, it’s overshadowed by her opponent’s fit of post-fight rage.

(YouTube props: CrazyLuke111)

Whenever a psuedo-celebrity climbs into the cage, something in our TMZ-infested DNA makes us take a little extra notice. A fight that would normally pass right on by without a second thought suddenly sparks a curiosity in the back of our brain. Promoters put these fights on with just that in mind, hoping that the anomaly will pay off in a little added exposure. Thus far in her career, Amanda Lucas has proven to be a goldmine in that respect.

We’re not saying that she isn’t taking her job as a fighter seriously (nor are we saying that she is, really), but the fates have intervened to garner her far more attention than her name alone could ever deliver, and very little of it has to do with her directly. First, a scheduled bout against Heather Martin was canceled last April when her opponent showed up an incredible 13 lbs. over the agreed upon weight limit. Then she had the displeasure of getting rag-dolled at the 2011 Mundials by Strikeforce 145 lb Women’s Champion Cristiane “Cyborg” Santos. Now when a dominant victory could speak for itself, it’s overshadowed by her opponent’s fit of post-fight rage.

Lucas exchanged a few punches with Hikaru Shinohara before lumbering in for a takedown at last night’s Deep 55 event. Shinohara’s guard stalled the fight enough to warrant a standup. The return to the feet was short lived after a missed kick by Shinohara sent her falling to her back. Lucas climbed into full mount where she looked for a submission while peppering her covered-up foe with punches. Tired of throwing half-hearted, half-blocked shots, Lucas sat back and extended the armbar, but as Shinohara tried to kick her way free her corner threw in the towel. Outraged, she made her way to her corner before returning to the center of the ring to shove the ref a few times. Realizing that her anger was misdirected, she opted to punch her cornerman in the face before shoving him as well. Like school on Sunday- no class.

Lucas now sports a 2-1 pro record. Who knows, maybe we’ll see her over at BlackEye Promotions sometime in the near future. On a side note, I realize that muscle weighs more than fat, but does it even seem possible that these two women weighed-in only 11 lbs. heavier than Cyborg does?