B.J. Penn pushes unproven COVID treatment, vows to end pandemic if elected

B.J. Penn shares his experience with oregano oil as a treatment solution for his second COVID-19 infection. | Photo by Chris Unger/Zuffa LLC

As hospitals begin to get crowded again with the recent COVID-19 surge in the …

B.J. Penn shares his experience with oregano oil as a treatment solution for his second COVID-19 infection.
B.J. Penn shares his experience with oregano oil as a treatment solution for his second COVID-19 infection. | Photo by Chris Unger/Zuffa LLC

As hospitals begin to get crowded again with the recent COVID-19 surge in the US, B.J. Penn has proposed a solution.

The Omicron variant of COVID-19 has caused a new surge around the world. It’s now the dominant variant in the United States, reportedly accounting for more than 73% of new cases in the country.

In Hawaii, for example, hospitals are preparing for a huge influx of patients with the sharp rise of new infections in the island state. And to avoid overwhelming the healthcare system, 2022 gubernatorial aspirant and former UFC champion B.J. Penn suggested homeopathic care for COVID-19 patients.

The 43-year-old Penn, who said he contracted the virus for the second time and has now recovered, recently released this video on social media.

“I just had coronavirus for the second time. I’m unvaxed. The first time I had it was two years ago, right at the beginning of the whole thing. And then I just got it again. I had symptoms for almost 48 hours, maybe,” he said.

“Everything’s good now, so I’m feeling good. But I think we should treat coronavirus people, send nurses with successful medicines and IVs. I don’t think there’s no need to be filling up the hospital rooms, the hospital beds. Hospitals are the only places where we can have surgery. Coronavirus is something we should take care right at home.”

“The Prodigy” then suggested a possible solution, which he claims had worked for him.

“I know I’m not a doctor, I know I’m not a scientist. I took oregano oil and I breathe oregano oil. There’s a lot of people with a lot of different ways to do it. My friend did something like Joe Rogan did. But I always choose oregano oil, I love that stuff.”

Penn always had a staunch approach to dealing with COVID-19. He had been vocal against the “unconstitutional” lockdowns imposed by the government in 2020. One of his campaign promises is to not only get rid of vaccine passports in Hawaii but to end the pandemic “as soon as my foot steps into the Governor’s office.”

“Enough is enough already!!! Penn for Governor and the pandemic in Hawaii ends forever,” Penn wrote.

Penn is a former two-division UFC champion who was unceremoniously released in 2019 following a series of very concerning street fights, arrests, and legal issues that only continued after. He ended his UFC tenure after having just one win in his last 11 fights.