Behold, the Worst WMMA Fight of All Time

(Major props: takedownmma via  r/MMA)

Ladies and gentleman, the women’s heavyweight division. Where breaks are taken mid-fight to adjust loose-fitting sports bras. Where the referees don backwards hats. Where the only thing that’s thin is the talent.

You know what, despite what I’ve just written, I would actually like to applaud these women for their courage, commitment, and surprisingly impressive cardio. (I’m sorry, I literally can’t help myself.)

After the jump: Round 2. Yes, there is a round 2. Ish.

(Major props: takedownmma via  r/MMA)

Ladies and gentleman, the women’s heavyweight division. Where breaks are taken mid-fight to adjust loose-fitting sports bras. Where the referees don backwards hats. Where the only thing that’s thin is the talent.

You know what, despite what I’ve just written, I would actually like to applaud these women for their courage, commitment, and surprisingly impressive cardio. (I’m sorry, I literally can’t help myself.)

After the jump: Round 2. Yes, there is a round 2. Ish.