BE’s Greatest MMA Fight of All Time Tournament – SWEET SIXTEEN: #1 Henderson vs. Shogun 1 VS. #2 Edgar vs. Maynard 2

Brackets via June M. Williams

Vote now in the Bloody Elbow’s Baddest Tournament to determine the Greatest MMA Fight of All Time. Today we have #1 Dan Henderson vs. Shogun Rua 1 taking on #2 Frankie Edgar vs. Gray Maynard 2. Vote now! We w…

BE’s BADDEST Tournament, Greatest Fight of All Time, Fight to Watch Before World Ends, Fight Bracket, Bracket, Tournament, GFOAT, Round 2, Sweet Sixteen, Results, Round 2 Results, Sweet Sixteen Results, Tourney Results

Brackets via June M. Williams

Vote now in the Bloody Elbow’s Baddest Tournament to determine the Greatest MMA Fight of All Time. Today we have #1 Dan Henderson vs. Shogun Rua 1 taking on #2 Frankie Edgar vs. Gray Maynard 2. Vote now!

We will be starting out in the blue corner this week for our BE’s BADDEST Tournament Series to figure out what is the single Greatest MMA Fight Of All Time — that one to watch before the world ends. The tournament has advanced to the sweet-sixteen round, with the red corner’s #1 Lawler vs. MacDonald 2 being the only fight so far that has advanced to the quarter finals. As for today, we have the blue corner’s #1 seed, Dan Henderson vs. Shogun Rua 1, set to go blow for blow with the #2 ranked, Frankie Edgar vs. Gray Maynard 2.

Dan Henderson vs. Mauricio “Shogun” Rua 1 was an epic five-round war between two legends of the sport! There were lots of momentum swings in this one. Both men scrambled into dominant positions and rocked the other man, both men had to show off toughness and fight back, and both men had to dig deep keep going for 25 hellacious minutes. There is no question that these twomen left it all in the Octagon that night.

Frankie Edgar vs. Gray Maynard 2 was for the UFC lightweight belt and took place at UFC 125 on January 1, 2011. Maynard had Edgar in all sorts of trouble for the bulk of that opening round. Gray was on the brink of victory several times, but Frankie showed off the heart of a champion to survive and find his way back into the fight. The bout was ruled a draw with one judge scoring it for Edgar, one for Maynard, and one seeing it even.

In order to vote; simply leave a comment. In the subject line make sure you follow these guidelines:

To vote for Dan Henderson vs. Shogun Rua 1 write: Vote – Henderson vs. Shogun 1

To vote for Frankie Edgar vs. Gray Maynard 2 write: Vote – Edgar vs. Maynard 2

Voting is open for 22 hours, so get your votes in now.

Tournament bracket (click to enlarge):

BE’s BADDEST Tournament, Greatest Fight of All Time, Fight to Watch Before World Ends, Fight Bracket, Bracket, Tournament, GFOAT, Round 2, Sweet Sixteen, Results, Round 2 Results, Sweet Sixteen Results, Tourney Results
Brackets via June M. Williams
Sweet Sixteen, Bout 1 Results