BTN: Kicks Ain’t Just for Soccer

Daron Cruickshank” title=”UFC lightweight Daron Cruickshank” style=”width: 300px;” src=”” align=”left”>With the World Cup in full swing, would like to point out that kicks are not just useful for scoring goals on the pitch, but they’re darn good at finishing opponents inside the Octagon in a highlight reel fashion. Whether it is a roundhouse to the head or a solid thwack to the liver, a well-timed and well-thrown single kick can end a bout in the first round as well as it can in the last. Here is … Read the Full Article Here

Daron Cruickshank” title=”UFC lightweight Daron Cruickshank” style=”width: 300px;” src=”” align=”left”>With the World Cup in full swing, would like to point out that kicks are not just useful for scoring goals on the pitch, but they’re darn good at finishing opponents inside the Octagon in a highlight reel fashion. Whether it is a roundhouse to the head or a solid thwack to the liver, a well-timed and well-thrown single kick can end a bout in the first round as well as it can in the last. Here is … Read the Full Article Here