(Now picture the fist rapidly moving up and down.)
Remember when we brought back Comments of the Week weeks ago and I joked about how I would immediately forget about it by the following week — and then I did forget about it? That was insane, and totally unexpected. But thanks to a GIF of a guy jerking off while unconscious (i.e., “pulling a Carradine”), we’re back on track.
Today’s comment winners will receive the new version of CagePotato Devil’s Horns shirt, with the fist on the back, as pictured above. If your name is called, just e-mail [email protected] with your name, size, and mailing address. Alright? Now let’s see who commented hardest this week…
Kaboom82 on “GIF of the Year Candidate: Kaleo Gambill Enjoys an Involuntary Post-Fight Beat-Off“:
Yo Dawg, we heard you like beatings. So we put a beating in your beating so you could watch a guy knock one out when he gets knocked out.
Mofo on “GIF of the Year Candidate: Kaleo Gambill Enjoys an Involuntary Post-Fight Beat-Off“:
He was intelligently pleasuring himself.
Kid Clam Curtains on “On This Day in MMA History: Affliction Held Its Second and Final MMA Event…Ever“:
Members only > Zubaz > Frankie Says Relax > Hypercolor > Gotcha > Stussy > Tapout > No Fear > Bad Boy > a vaginal yeast infection > Von Dutch > Ed Hardy > Affliction
In the insane rant category…
Bootystar on “UFC.com Hacked By Cyber Nazis“:
nice work by anonymous, you might as well be rooting for Pat Barry vs Morecraft, it’s not like the ufc doesn’t own both their likenesses & jobs like a butcher selling both pork & beef. people might cheer for the predator over the alien, but at the end of the day the predators sees you as no more than prey, not a partner. so don’t imagine he’ll send you on the magic ship back to earth…how is this not two hands of a d-bag playing a ponzi scheme while on lookers think that the left hand is the magic hand. No one seems to realize the d-bag has a gun on both hips. Yet everyone swears up & down the the left hand is the good hand cuz it has a pink ribbon on it. MMA fans like everyone else have no idea that a truly successful fighter uses both hands not just the right. look up “goldman 1984?…think of it this way, herding sheep isn’t just a one man job. you got a dog in the mix too. or when you rustle cattle you got how many other guys all around the 99 bulls rounding them all up. just one guy can’t do it. why do you think there is more than one political party. the bulls are getting rounded up for el matador…it’s not as if “the animal farm” by george orwell was really about animals.
[Ed. note: Wait…it wasn’t? Great, now I have to re-do my entire diorama.]