Court McGee’s Fairytale Ending Is Just a New Beginning

Filed under: UFCLAS VEGAS — If there’s one thing I’ve learned from watching all those Wes Anderson movies, it’s that people love a good redemption plot. Maybe that explains why Court McGee’s story is so endlessly compelling for the fans and the media….

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Court McGeeLAS VEGAS — If there’s one thing I’ve learned from watching all those Wes Anderson movies, it’s that people love a good redemption plot. Maybe that explains why Court McGee‘s story is so endlessly compelling for the fans and the media.

For those who somehow haven’t heard it yet, the condensed version goes something like this: McGee was addicted to drugs and alcohol, overdosed on heroin and was declared legally dead, got clean and sober and became an upstanding family man, then won season 11 of “The Ultimate Fighter” with a submission victory over Kris McCray at Saturday night’s finale.

Pardon me for dwelling on it, but that’s some Greek myth, journey-through-the-underworld type stuff right there.