CSAC Suspends, Fines Ronda Rousey’s Coach Edmond Tarverdyan For Falsifying Application

Ronda Rousey’s head coach, Edmond Tarverdyan was handed down a three-month suspension and $5,000 fine from the California State Athletic Commission (CSAC) this week.

Tarverdyan was arrested back in 2010 on two felony counts of identity theft and one…


Ronda Rousey’s head coach, Edmond Tarverdyan was handed down a three-month suspension and $5,000 fine from the California State Athletic Commission (CSAC) this week.

Tarverdyan was arrested back in 2010 on two felony counts of identity theft and one count of resisting arrest, however the Glendale Fighting Club trainer marked “no” where it asks if you have ever had any criminal offenses on the application for his corner man license filed in the state on April 2, 2015.

Two weeks ago, Tarverdyan’s license was revoked due to the offense, and this week it was decided that he will also serve a three-month suspension with an additional three-year probationary period, and will be forced to pay a fine of $5,000.

Half of the $5k fine is for falsifying his corner man application with the commission, while the other half is for “discrediting boxing and/or mixed martial arts.”

While Tarverdyan has yet to publicly comment on the situation, he did make the following comments in a statement filed with the CSAC before his punishment was handed down this week:

“I want to first and foremost apologize to Executive Officer Andy Foster and the honorable commissioners. I take my position and role in combat sports very seriously, and I regret if this matter has caused any embarrassment to the California State Athletic Commission.

“In my life, I have not concealed my past indiscretions from people I come into contact with. And I do not want to do so in this instance. I train many young athletes and when I see that they are heading down the wrong path in life, I often remind them of the mistakes and regrets of my past as a way to guide them onto the right track in life. I hope to continue to take the opportunity to help others in combat sports to make the correct moral and ethical decisions in their lives. And I intend to make the correct decisions in my life as well.”