Next up on the UFC Florida main card is a featherweight bout between Dan Ige and Edson Barboza.
Round 1: Ige comes out swinging. Barboza responds with a knee. Ige lands some body shots and is the aggressor early on. Barboza drops Ige with a 1-2 and is in his guard. Barboza looks to ground and pound him. Ige survives and is up to his feet. Ige lands a right to the body. Barboza missed a switch kick to the body. Barboza lands two leg kicks and connects with a right. Ige responds with a flying knee that connects. Ige has Barboza clinched up against the fence. Ige appears to be bleeding now. The round comes to an end and it’s a clearly a Barboza one.
Round 2: Ige comes out swinging again and lands a number of shots but Barboza eats them. Barboza partially lands a body kick. Ige responds with a leg kick. Barboza now appears to be bleeding. He lands a leg kick. Ige has Barboza clinched up against the fence now. Barboza lands some knees while Ige connects with a body shot. Barboza lands a left hook that keeps Ige wary. Ige lands some strikes that seem to partially wobble Barboza. Ige lands a leg kick. Ige shoots but Barboza sprawls and defends. Barboza gets up but sees his spinning back kick dodged. Barboza lands a body kick that seems to have hurt Ige. Ige shoots for a takedown but finds himself receiving hammerfists from Barboza.
Round 3: Barboza lands a body kick and follows it up with a 1-2. Ige lands a leg kick. Both fighters appear a bit slower now. Barboza lands a leg kick during an exchange. Ige lands a right hand to the body. Barboza has Ige clinched up against the fence and lands a big left to the body. Ige responds with a straight right that connects. Barboza checks a leg kick but receives a hook from Ige. Barboza lands a big leg kick. Ige eats it. Ige clinches Barboza up against the fence and manages to land a big takedown. Ige looks to pass but remains in Barboza’s full guard until the end of the fight.
Official result: Dan Ige defeats Edson Barboza via split decision (29-28, 28-29, 29-28).