Dana White Saves Chuck Liddell the Awkwardness of Asking for Another UFC Fight

(Dana may want to skip right to dessert.)
During a media scrum following today’s UFC 116 pre-fight press conference, UFC president Dana White made his feelings about his longtime friend Chuck Liddell continuing to compete in the Octagon crystal clear.

(Dana may want to skip right to dessert.)

During a media scrum following today’s UFC 116 pre-fight press conference, UFC president Dana White made his feelings about his longtime friend Chuck Liddell continuing to compete in the Octagon crystal clear.

"He’ll never fight in the UFC again. Can Chuck Liddell still make money? Could I make money off of Chuck Liddell? Yes. I don’t want that money. I don’t want to make that kind of money," White asserted. "I’m not interested in that. He won’t do it again. He cannot do it again. It will not happen again."

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