Dana White shuts down talks of UFC tanking financially, says no one can offer better deals than him

Pay-per-view (PPV) sales haven’t been as great as perhaps in years past when the promotion had big-time draws such as Ronda Rousey, Conor McGregor, Jon Jones and Brock Lesnar leading the box-office charge — with the exception of this — but …

Pay-per-view (PPV) sales haven’t been as great as perhaps in years past when the promotion had big-time draws such as Ronda Rousey, Conor McGregor, Jon Jones and Brock Lesnar leading the box-office charge — with the exception of this — but that doesn’t mean the promotion is in financial trouble.

Dana White and Co. have had to fight off speculation that the world’s leading MMA company is in dire straights after switching hands from Zuffa to WME-IMG, which is now known as Endeavor. According to White, everything is smooth sailing with the company, but the media keeps trying to spin it the other way.

“I think the [2016] sale has everything to do with it,” White told ESPN. “Everybody is looking at that $4 billion sale and asking, ‘Did they deliver? F— yeah, we delivered. We deliver every single year. And still, every year, if you listen to the media, we’re f—ed.”

Just how well is it doing? According to the outspoken president, he’s still spending millions of dollars adding to the already-impressive UFC Performance Institute in Las Vegas, Nevada.

“WME-IMG Endeavor bought us for $4 billion, and obviously they need to hit certain numbers for the banks,” White said. “Right now, I’m spending another $1 million [at UFC’s Las Vegas headquarters] on another wing I want. That’s how bad of a year we’re having,” added White. ”[Endeavor CEO] Ari Emanuel wants to buy the building next door and build more s—t. We’re still growing.”

In fact, UFC is doing so well in the MMA arena, White is confident he and his new partners can tackle its venture into boxing. While he knows there is always tough competition out there with already-established players and promoters in the boxing world, he is confident no one in the combat sports world can offer any fighter a better deal.

“Whoever an athlete is, I don’t care who it is, I want to fly you to Las Vegas and we’re going to meet,” White said. “I’m going to walk you through this new facility, show you the gym, the trainers, all the amenities. Free supplements, physical therapy, we’ll cook your food exactly how you like it three times per day. You’ll get health insurance,” he added.

While the promotion has come under fire in the past for not paying fighters well, Dana says the fact remains no one cant match what he’s offering, though some tend to disagree.

”Who can offer you a better deal than me in combat sports? F— boxing, MMA, whatever it is. Who can offer a better deal than me? The answer is nobody. This is what we do. Keep doubting us,” he concluded.

Perhaps this budding friendship will help with those high prices some major boxing stars demand. Plus, the promotion is hoping to cash in on a lucrative new television deal later this year.