‘DC’ Reacts To AKA Teammate’s Lifetime Ban

Former Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) heavyweight prospect, Ruslan Magomedov, was recently issued a lifetime ban from competing in mixed martial arts (MMA) by United States Anti Doping Agency (USADA).
After Ruslan failed two USADA-ad…

Former Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) heavyweight prospect, Ruslan Magomedov, was recently issued a lifetime ban from competing in mixed martial arts (MMA) by United States Anti Doping Agency (USADA).

After Ruslan failed two USADA-administered tests (one in 2016 and then 2018), the big man refused to take a third, prompting the agency to issue its first-ever lifetime ban to an MMA fighter. Training at the famed American Kickboxing Academy (AKA), intrigued fans wondered what Daniel Cormier, caption of the team, thought about a member of his team being embroiled in failed drug tests.

Of course, “DC” has been very outspoken against performance enhancing drugs (PED’s) something he’s gotten very familiar with during his intense rivalry with current UFC Light Heavyweight champion Jon Jones, who has failed multiple tests over the last couple of years.

After their scheduled fight at UFC 200 was scratched after Jones was flagged by USADA, “Bones’” win over “DC” at UFC 214 was overturned to a no-contest after Jon once again failed a drug test.

Perhaps much to the chagrin of the interested fan, Cormier doesn’t care if you train alongside him, you simply say no to PED’s. Daniel is currently recuperating for a couple of nagging injuries but should be gearing up for a return later this year in hopes of defending his Heavyweight title against Brock Lesnar.

Another man who has had his fair share of troubles with USADA.