Eager Joanne Calderwood Hopes to Feast On UFC’s Strawweight Division

KRAKÓW, Poland Friday couldn’t come fast enough. Joanne Calderwood would conquer one daunting hurdle that had been dominating every waking minute of her UFC Fight Night Kraków week. She would finally step onto that damn scale. Then …

KRAKÓW, Poland Friday couldn’t come fast enough. Joanne Calderwood would conquer one daunting hurdle that had been dominating every waking minute of her UFC Fight Night Kraków week. She would finally step onto that damn scale. Then she could really sink her teeth into something really good to eat.
> Watch Fight Night Krakow Exclusively on UFC FIGHT PASS “I’m so hungry!” she admitted sheepishly the day before, her lovely Scottish lilt barely above a whisper. “Do I look like it?”

Ah, the weight cut. The UFC’s fasci … Read the Full Article Here