For UFC on FX 1 winner Barry, nerves, not Morecraft, proved toughest foe

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Ask UFC heavyweight Pat Barry a question, and you can expect an honest answer in reply.

The striking specialist has been an open book since his very first fight
in the UFC, and he doesn’t mince words when it comes to describing both…

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – Ask UFC heavyweight Pat Barry a question, and you can expect an honest answer in reply.

The striking specialist has been an open book since his very first fight
in the UFC, and he doesn’t mince words when it comes to describing both
the good and the bad that comes with fighting in the octagon.

And so it was on Friday night, when Barry admitted that he was pleased by his
performance but that his 6-foot-6 opponent wasn’t his toughest challenge
of the night. That honor belonged to pure fear.