Jose “Shorty” Torres had a choice to make when he graduated from high school. The same choice thousands of kids make every year. He was an average athlete, a below average student, and wasn’t sure what he wanted in life. With no confidence in himself that he could achieve the things he really wanted for himself. That was then. Since then “Shorty” has been an All-American wrestler, honor roll student, multi-amateur MMA champion, and most recently the Titan FC Flyweight Champion. At only 24 years old, Jose has already carved out his place in the Flyweight division with only four Professional fights.
Parlay Jose’s recent success in his professional career with his amateur accolades and you have one of the hottest prospects in MMA today. “Shorty” has given the blueprint to young fighters across the country. Take your time and don’t let your ego push you into becoming a professional before you are ready. “…MMA these days people go 5-0 and they are like ‘ya know what. I’m awesome! I’m just going to turn pro.’ Then they turn pro and lose their first fight. They are fighting a guy they never fought before. Fighting a style they have never seen…” There is more than one way to become an MMA fighter. Jose is showing young fighters that a game plan and experience are two of the most under utilized tools for you fighters everywhere.
Listen to the rest of the interview and find out more about Jose’s life before MMA, his thoughts on the upcoming season of The Ultimate Fighter, his fight role models, and much more. Jose has grown more in the last 6 years than most do in a lifetime. Scratching only the surface of his potential and well on his way to becoming the role model he longs to be.