Garcia Returns Positive ‘B Sample,’ Goes Nuts On Twitter

Photo by Al Bello/Getty Images

Ryan Garcia claims his positive drug test, which returned traces of Ostarine in the wake of his Devin Haney win last month in Brooklyn, was a BIG LIE. That’s why the embattled pugilist dema…

Devin Haney v Ryan Garcia
Photo by Al Bello/Getty Images

Ryan Garcia claims his positive drug test, which returned traces of Ostarine in the wake of his Devin Haney win last month in Brooklyn, was a BIG LIE. That’s why the embattled pugilist demanded the New York State Athletic Commission (NYSAC) review his “B sample” before passing judgement.

Different sample, same result.

“Ryan Garcia’s B sample results were returned Thursday [morning], one day after being opened,” boxing reporter Dan Rafael wrote on Twitter. “I have the lab reports and the B samples, as expected, matched A samples — both are positive for the banned PED Ostarine related to VADA tests the day before and after Haney fight. New York commission received the B sample testing report (and already had the A report) and now it’s on the commission to schedule a hearing for Garcia, which figures to happen at some point this summer.”

Read Haney’s reaction right here.

“Let’s go we positive. Positive vibes bruh. Yess so happy,” Garcia wrote on Twitter. “I F*CKING LOVE STEROIDS. I don’t care I’ll never make money again with boxing. Your loss not mine for setting me up lol joke’s on y’all. I will swallow all steroids.”

Garcia, 25, will likely face both a fine and suspension pending a disciplinary hearing and could have his Haney fight ruled a “no contest.”