Georges St-Pierre to star in remake of ‘Kickboxer’ movie

Former UFC welterweight champion Georges St-Pierre won’t be spending time in the Octagon any time soon and not just because he’s rehabilitating his injured knee. According to a press release from Jazo PR – a “boutique entertainment public re…

Former UFC welterweight champion Georges St-Pierre won’t be spending time in the Octagon any time soon and not just because he’s rehabilitating his injured knee. According to a press release from Jazo PR – a “boutique entertainment public relations firm which focuses on film, film festivals, social media and corporate branding” – St-Pierre is being cast in a remake of the 1989 Hollywood martial arts movie ‘Kickboxer’.

The original movie’s leading star was action star Jean-Claude Van Damme, although it is not confirmed which role St-Pierre will have. Also set to star in the movie is WWE professional wrestler and one-time amateur MMA fighter Dave Bautista.

In addition, the leading role will be played by Alain Mousasi, who has served as a stuntman or martial arts bit actor in X-Men: Days of Future Past, Pacific Rim and Whitehouse Down.

The movie currently is being financed by international sales and finance company The Exchange, and will look for a studio buyer at this year’s Cannes Film Festival. The movie will be directed by Stephen Fung.

Jazo PR lists the plot as such:

“David and Kurt Sloan are the descendants of a well-known Venice, California dynasty of champions. Both are top-notch fighters and athletes in the prime of their lives. When David wins the Karate World Championship, a promoter lures him to Hong Kong despite Kurt’s protests that the man is a crook. Not soon after, Kurt receives a letter from David and heads to Thailand to meet him. When he arrives, he discovers his brother is dead. The man responsible is the viscous Tong Po. Desperate to seek revenge, Kurt turns to Xian Chow, his brother’s former mentor. To defeat the man who killed his brother, Kurt must look within himself to find the strength and courage of a champion.”