Happy Holidays From The MMA News

We here at The MMA News want to wish all of our readers a Happy Holidays and want to thank you for all of your support over the years that we’ve been providing news on the sport we love.
We sincerely hope that you have gotten an opportunity to spend the time with loved ones as […]

logo2332We here at The MMA News want to wish all of our readers a Happy Holidays and want to thank you for all of your support over the years that we’ve been providing news on the sport we love.

We sincerely hope that you have gotten an opportunity to spend the time with loved ones as we will be doing over the Christmas period. Please remember to take a moment to think about those less fortunate than you, as well as those members celebrating the Holidays in places like Afghanistan and Iraq.

So enjoy the food, the gym can wait a few more days, have a few drinks, please don’t drink and drive, and have your PVR’s ready for the New year with the Sengoku, Dynamite!! and UFC events just around the corner.

‘Sengoku: Soul of Fight’ is set for Dec. 30th (sorry HDNet will only be airing the show in two parts on Jan. 14th and 21st), with ‘FieLDS Dynamite!! 2010′ show set for New Year’s Eve (which WILL be shown on HDNet), and ‘UFC 125: Resolution’ airing on pay-per-view Jan. 1st.