Henry Cejudo: This Time It’s Personal

Henry Cejudo drags out every description of the food he’s missing on his road to the 125-pound weight class, maybe just to convince himself that there is a purpose to that always torturous weight-cutting process.“I’m making myself suf…

Henry Cejudo drags out every description of the food he’s missing on his road to the 125-pound weight class, maybe just to convince himself that there is a purpose to that always torturous weight-cutting process.“I’m making myself suffer right now,” he said. “I’m not able to eat my chimichangas, my enchiladas, my deep-fried burritos. I’m going back to crackers and baloney.”He laughs, not letting weight-cutting take away his sense of humor. He’s attempted to make the flyweight limit before, but came up short. This time, with a UFC 185 main … Read the Full Article Here