If You Thought Strikeforce Should Try Harder, This Video Will Change Your Mind

Come on, Strikeforce. A simple MOM MADE PIZZA ROLLS would have been far less embarrassing

You know what? I honestly try to be optimistic about the future of Strikeforce. Even when the promotion is hemorrhaging money, even when their website is reduced to an MS Word document, I want to believe that the promotion is run by competent individuals who will find a way to keep it alive.

And then I see the vignette made to promote the upcoming “Strikeforce: Rockhold vs. Kennedy” on July 14, and feel stupid for learning nothing from the death of WCW. Case in point:

Video after the jump

Come on, Strikeforce. A simple MOM MADE PIZZA ROLLS would have been far less embarrassing

You know what? I honestly try to be optimistic about the future of Strikeforce. Even when the promotion is hemorrhaging money, even when their website is reduced to an MS Word document, I want to believe that the promotion is run by competent individuals who will find a way to keep it alive.

And then I see the vignette made to promote the upcoming “Strikeforce: Rockhold vs. Kennedy” on July 14, and feel stupid for learning nothing from the death of WCW. Case in point:

Strikeforce is attempting to promote an upcoming Middleweight Title Fight between their champion, Luke Rockhold, and the incredibly badass Army Ranger Tim Kennedy. So naturally, the promotion decides that they absolutely cannot promote this fight without bringing in Frank Shamrock. ”But maybe Frank Shamrock will go somewhere with this,” you probably aren’t thinking. “Maybe it won’t be completely terrible.”

Well, if you actually were thinking that beforehand, you immediately felt stupid when Frank Shamrock essentially called both the organization’s champion and number one contender pussies who can’t promote a fight. Shamrock then tries to solve the whole “Neither of you is a villain” problem by making both men villains (or “villains”) with comical (“comical”) results.

Well, that settles it. Frank Shamrock says there’s no reason to watch, so I’m going to just take his word for it. What about the rest of you, though? Did this generate any interest for you in Rockhold vs. Kennedy, or are you just waiting for Strikeforce to go under?