It’s Official: Burt Watson Leaves the UFC After 14 Year Stint

(Watson, seen here showing Flava Flav how a *true* hype man accepts an award. via Getty)

Rumors have been swirling for days that longtime UFC site coordinator Burt Watson had left the promotion following a mid-show dispute with management at UFC 184. While most of us were hoping that those rumors were just that, today brings the confirmation that Watson has in fact departed from the UFC after a 14-year stint as their “Babysitter to the Stars.”

(Watson, seen here showing Flava Flav how a *true* hype man accepts an award. via Getty)

Rumors have been swirling for days that longtime UFC site coordinator Burt Watson had left the promotion following a mid-show dispute with management at UFC 184. While most of us were hoping that those rumors were just that, today brings the confirmation that Watson has in fact departed from the UFC after a 14-year stint as their “Babysitter to the Stars.”

The news was broke by none other than the man himself, via Twitter this morning.

I’ll be honest, I never really knew exactly what Watson was responsible for behind the scenes (pep talks? pre-weigh-in hype?), but he always seemed like an energetic, infectious personality that fighters and (diehard) fans will surely miss. Here’s hoping that HE BE ROLLLIIIINNNNNN to another great opportunity.