Jon Jones Directs Remixed Bible Quote At His Detractors

Jon Jones has engaged in many Twitter feuds over the years: Chael Sonnen, Daniel Cormier, Israel Adesanya, etc., but he has also never shied away from firing back at his collective mass of detractors.

A case can be made that no fighter in UFC histo…

Jon Jones

Jon Jones has engaged in many Twitter feuds over the years: Chael Sonnen, Daniel Cormier, Israel Adesanya, etc., but he has also never shied away from firing back at his collective mass of detractors.

A case can be made that no fighter in UFC history has been as criticized as Jon Jones. It can’t be denied that Jones has given his detractors plenty of fuel over the years, including numerous run-ins with law enforcement and multiple atypical drug tests.

In the case of the drug tests, though Jones was always cleared by an independent body of any intentional cheating, the fact remains that, at best, he used poor judgment to allow such discrepancies to occur, and his critics have never let him hear the end of it and have often discredited his accomplishments as a whole.

All the while, Jones has always had plenty to say about—and directly to—his detractors. In regards to the frequent cocaine jokes made about him ever since a past drug test revealed usage, Jones pointed out that there is no telling what these same fans are into, yet nobody knows because they are not famous.  

Early Saturday morning, Jones would reiterate a similar sentiment in his remix of a famous Bible quote.

“Let he who was not famous when they did something dumb be glad no one cared,” Jones wrote.

Most recently, Jones criticisms have perhaps been at an all-time high after recent allegations of domestic violence against his fiancée. Jones is set to appear in court on January 31 to answer to these charges.

Someday, Jones intends to put all of these experiences into a book, where he’d have the free space he needs to share all of his thoughts without character limits and with as many quotes he can think of.

“Yeah, I’m going to write one hell of a book one day. Been around the block a few times,” Jones wrote in response to a fan complimenting his advice.

Jon Jones is currently expected to resume his UFC career in early 2022 by making his long-awaited debut in the heavyweight division.

If Jon Jones wrote a book about his life story, would you read it?

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