Jones B-Sample Test Results Come Back Same As Initial Tests, USADA Issues Statement

Well, that didn’t last long.

After announcing his intentions to fight the results of an out-of-competition drug test by USADA that resulted in him being pulled from the main event of the biggest UFC event of all-time, it appears that his fight with …


Well, that didn’t last long.

After announcing his intentions to fight the results of an out-of-competition drug test by USADA that resulted in him being pulled from the main event of the biggest UFC event of all-time, it appears that his fight with USADA is already completed, and from all accounts, it appears to be another quick first-round knockout in favor of USADA.

Jones claimed he would request that his B-Sample be tested, hoping to prove the original results were simply an error of some kind, but unfortunately for the talented youngster, things didn’t work out the way he had hoped.

While it was stated that Jones, not USADA, would be the one to release the results of the B-Sample test, there was some concern that the public would never get the answer unless Jones was vindicated in his belief that he is innocent and clean, however things never got to that point because the B-Sample results came back pretty clear-cut.

It was USADA spokesman Ryan Madden, however, not Jones, who announced the results of the second test on Friday. He issued the following brief statement to members of the MMA media this evening, confirming that the B-Sample tests came back with the same results as the initial A-Sample.

“I can confirm that Mr. Jones’ B sample results have been reported by the laboratory, and that the results confirm the findings of the A sample.”