Just What the Hell is Going On With Ronda Rousey’s Trainer, Edmond Tarverdyan?

(“If anyone from the bank shows up looking for a guy named Edward Targaryen, you never heard of him, okay?” via Getty.)

It has been a whirlwind handful of months for the Ronda Rousey camp, to put it lightly. Her loss to Holly Holm aside, it would appear as if Rousey’s support system is crumbling to the ground around her, or at the very least, setting all the charges for an eventual explosion.

The post Just What the Hell is Going On With Ronda Rousey’s Trainer, Edmond Tarverdyan? appeared first on Cagepotato.

(“If anyone from the bank shows up looking for a guy named Edward Targaryen, you never heard of him, okay?” via Getty.)

It has been a whirlwind handful of months for the Ronda Rousey camp, to put it lightly. Her loss to Holly Holm aside, it would appear as if Rousey’s support system is crumbling to the ground around her, or at the very least, setting all the charges for an eventual explosion.

A brief recap: Rousey’s mother, AnnMaria DeMars, recently doubled down on her previous remarks aimed at her head trainer, Edmond Tarverdyan, stating that she “would run him over with her car if there wasn’t a law against it.” This came amidst reports that Tarverdyan had filed for bankruptcy and that his gym, Glendale Fight Club, was being pursued for liquidation to cover part of the $700,000+ that Tarverdyan owed to various banks and creditors.

Late last month, it was *then* revealed that Tarverdyan had failed to disclose his criminal past while applying for his cornerman’s license (or “Second’s license, as it’s called). MMAFighting explains:

Tarverdyan, 34, was arrested in December 2010 on two counts of felony identity theft and one count of misdemeanor resisting arrest, according to public records. The identity theft counts were bumped down to misdemeanors and Tarverdyan ended up pleading no contest to the three charges.

In 2011, the coach was sentenced to one day in jail (with a credit of one day), three years of probation and 30 days of community service, according to court documents. He was also fined $610.

So basically, everything we’ve come to know about Edmond Tarverdyan is a lie, right down to his age (if the information dug up by these redditors has any truth to it).

As a result of his most recent lie, Tarverdyan was stripped of his Second’s license indefinitely by CSAC, bringing into question his status as Rousey’s corner should her rematch with Holm be held in California (not that it would).

But even the darkest clouds have a silver lining, and yesterday, the CSAC handed down an official ruling on Tarverdyan following a complete investigation. The result: A surprisingly lenient suspension and fine (the latter of which we imagine Tarverdyan might have a tough time paying). As ESPN’s Brett Okamoto tweeted:

His first order of business as Rousey’s newly-suspended coach? We couldn’t tell you exactly, but we do know that it won’t be showing Rousey tape of her UFC 193 performance. As he told Fox Sports:

“I know how to speak to Ronda. I know Ronda very well. She doesn’t need to watch that fight. The fight is over. It’s about what we’re doing now. It’s my job to watch the footage and I’m dedicating everything I have to Ronda’s rematch with Holly.”

Boy, can Mama Rousey ever spot a fraud when she sees one.

The post Just What the Hell is Going On With Ronda Rousey’s Trainer, Edmond Tarverdyan? appeared first on Cagepotato.