McGregor calls Khabib homophobic in latest rant

Conor McGregor and Khabib Nurmagomedov between rounds at UFC 229. | Photo by Hans Gutknecht/Digital First Media/Los Angeles Daily News via Getty Images

Conor McGregor went after his old foe Khabib Nurmagomedov on twitter…

UFC 229: Khabib Nurmagomedov v Conor McGregor
Conor McGregor and Khabib Nurmagomedov between rounds at UFC 229. | Photo by Hans Gutknecht/Digital First Media/Los Angeles Daily News via Getty Images

Conor McGregor went after his old foe Khabib Nurmagomedov on twitter again last night.

Though they will most likely never meet again in the cage, Conor McGregor just can’t seem to help himself when it comes to taking shots at Khabib Nurmagomedov. The pair met at UFC 229 in 2018, where the Dagestani dominated the Irishman on the ground on route to a neck crank victory. The win was followed by a brawl between both camps that spilled out of the cage and into the T-Mobile Arena.

Since then McGregor has done his best to save face, claiming the fight was closer than it was and conveniently forgetting the outcome. Last night McGregor fired off a rant about the fight, which included some juvenile jabs at the man who bested him three years ago.

McGregor appears to be a follower of the Jon Jones school of tweeting, as evidenced by the ‘Notorious’ one deleting those tweets shortly after they were released. Fortunately for anyone interested in this drama, twitter user @inanewdress1 preserved them for posterity.

“Real dirty. I’ve felt the commentary wrath a few times,” wrote McGregor to start this whole thing. He was responding to a twitter user who claimed broadcaster BT Sport treated McGregor unfairly in their coverage of the fight, specifically when presenting the moment a wounded McGregor told Nurmagomedov at the end of round three “It’s only business.”

“Imagine this was the round I had won too,” continued McGregor. “The guy was holding onto me crying to referee saying I was breaking the rules or some shit. And they try and say that I said this only business shit. Absolute horse plop.”

After someone else chimed in to say McGregor did break rules at UFC 229, including fence grabbing, an illegal knee and holding onto Nurmagomedov’s shorts, McGregor fired back.

“I wasn’t holding his shorts!” he claimed. “I was ramming my fingers up his homophobic add. And just look at this happy face here. He loves it. He’s a fingers in the booty ass bitch.”

McGregor followed that tweet up with a few images of Nurmagomedov, one with his manager Ali Abdelaziz and one with his team in a sauna.

When he’s not tweeting and deleting, McGregor (we assume) is preparing for his upcoming bout with Dustin Poirier at UFC 264. That bout is scheduled for the T-Mobile Arena in Vegas on July 10.

This is the third time McGregor has met ‘Diamond’. The first match-up, in 2014, was a second round TKO for McGregor, which set him on his path to eventually claim the UFC’s featherweight title. The next time they met was this January, with Poirier returning the favour with a second round TKO, stopping McGregor with strikes for the first time ever in MMA.