Meet the Strawweights – Angela Magana

The next time your venti mocha latte with whipped cream on top isn’t the right temperature or has the requisite amount of mocha, venti, or whatever they put in those things, you may want to look at the life of The Ultimate Fighter 20’s Ange…

The next time your venti mocha latte with whipped cream on top isn’t the right temperature or has the requisite amount of mocha, venti, or whatever they put in those things, you may want to look at the life of The Ultimate Fighter 20’s Angela Magana and get your priorities straight.From the time she was born, the California native was seemingly destined for disaster. And no one would have been surprised if she went off the rails as the daughter of a heroin addict and someone who, as an adult, shattered her spine when she plummeted down three stories and later spent a few days in … Read the Full Article Here