Michael Bisping weighs in on Jon Jones’ latest run-in with the law

UFC middleweight Top 5 contender, Michael Bisping weighs in on Jon Jones’ latest brush with the law, expressing sympathy towards the former champion’s plight.

Yesterday, Jon Jones turned himself in to the Albuquerque police department due to an arrest warrant issued for him after receiving five traffic violations over the weekend. After the police department leaked the bodycam footage from the traffic stop, the MMA community seems to be divided on whether he deserved the five violations, or if the officer was overzealous in his ticketing.

The Three Amigos Podcast caught up with Michael Bisping, who weighed in on the situation, expressing sympathy for Jones’ plight.

“It was a traffic violation. He’s made some “mishaps,” shall we call them, but he paid his dues. I mean, you can’t hold this over someone forever, and now, of course, this policeman is saying that he was drag racing, but I watched the video and I just don’t know. It’s a tricky one. He was asking, ‘Why is your car so loud?’ I’m pretty sure Jon Jones didn’t design the engine of the car. It’s an unfortunate set of circumstances. I’m driving in my car right now, and if you were to track my speed over the last 10 minutes, I’ll have broken the speed limit at some point.

I kind of feel bad for the guy. I feel like maybe it’s escalating out of control a little bit, a mountain being made out of a molehill. He does have bad luck, and bad luck is often the result of bad decisions, and I guess, at the end of the day, he’s only got himself to blame, but I am somewhat sympathetic towards his plight.

He sort of does have a target on his back. He’s had a history of run-ins with the law and he was the long reigning light-heavyweight champion of the world. That’s a big title, so when you get involved in some scandals, you get arrested, you make the news, you’re gonna have a target on your back. People are looking for him to mess up. He’s young, rich and famous and making bad decisions.

I’ve said and done things that I regret, just like we all do. We’re all only human, so I’m not gonna stand here and make out that I’m holier than thou and give Jon Jones a lecture.  Michael Bisping

That’s why I’m somewhat sympathetic. I don’t think he’s a bad person. I don’t think he’s going out there meaning to break the law. He’s not meaning to hurt anybody. We all make mistakes. I’ve made mistakes and I still make them. He’s just very unlucky and he keeps getting caught making them. As I said, I do feel for the guy a little bit.”

Having been in the UFC spotlight for nearly a decade, and having had his share of moments under the judgmental eyes of the MMA community, we thought Michael might have some sage advice to pass along, but he was quick to point out that he too had made mistakes and preferred not to offer anything other than his sympathy.

“No, I don’t. Jesus Christ, I’m the last person to give out advice to people [laughs]. I haven’t done anything really major, but I’ve said and done stupid things over the years, so I’m not going to stand here and make out like I’m some model citizen. I mean, I’m a decent person, don’t get me wrong, but I’ve said and done things that I regret, just like we all do. We’re all only human, so I’m not gonna stand here and make out that I’m holier than thou and give Jon Jones a lecture. I have nothing to offer on this occasion.”

This is just a very small snippet of a 30-minute interview that will air tomorrow. Please make sure to check it out when it goes live Thursday morning. Remember, if you’re looking for us on SoundCloud or iTunes, we’re under the MMA Nation name. Follow our Twitter accounts: Stephie HaynesThree Amigos Podcast, Geroge Lockhart, Iain Kidd and Mookie Alexander or our Facebook fan page, Three Amigos Pod

UFC middleweight Top 5 contender, Michael Bisping weighs in on Jon Jones’ latest brush with the law, expressing sympathy towards the former champion’s plight.

Yesterday, Jon Jones turned himself in to the Albuquerque police department due to an arrest warrant issued for him after receiving five traffic violations over the weekend. After the police department leaked the bodycam footage from the traffic stop, the MMA community seems to be divided on whether he deserved the five violations, or if the officer was overzealous in his ticketing.

The Three Amigos Podcast caught up with Michael Bisping, who weighed in on the situation, expressing sympathy for Jones’ plight.

“It was a traffic violation. He’s made some “mishaps,” shall we call them, but he paid his dues. I mean, you can’t hold this over someone forever, and now, of course, this policeman is saying that he was drag racing, but I watched the video and I just don’t know. It’s a tricky one. He was asking, ‘Why is your car so loud?’ I’m pretty sure Jon Jones didn’t design the engine of the car. It’s an unfortunate set of circumstances. I’m driving in my car right now, and if you were to track my speed over the last 10 minutes, I’ll have broken the speed limit at some point.

I kind of feel bad for the guy. I feel like maybe it’s escalating out of control a little bit, a mountain being made out of a molehill. He does have bad luck, and bad luck is often the result of bad decisions, and I guess, at the end of the day, he’s only got himself to blame, but I am somewhat sympathetic towards his plight.

He sort of does have a target on his back. He’s had a history of run-ins with the law and he was the long reigning light-heavyweight champion of the world. That’s a big title, so when you get involved in some scandals, you get arrested, you make the news, you’re gonna have a target on your back. People are looking for him to mess up. He’s young, rich and famous and making bad decisions.

I’ve said and done things that I regret, just like we all do. We’re all only human, so I’m not gonna stand here and make out that I’m holier than thou and give Jon Jones a lecture.  Michael Bisping

That’s why I’m somewhat sympathetic. I don’t think he’s a bad person. I don’t think he’s going out there meaning to break the law. He’s not meaning to hurt anybody. We all make mistakes. I’ve made mistakes and I still make them. He’s just very unlucky and he keeps getting caught making them. As I said, I do feel for the guy a little bit.”

Having been in the UFC spotlight for nearly a decade, and having had his share of moments under the judgmental eyes of the MMA community, we thought Michael might have some sage advice to pass along, but he was quick to point out that he too had made mistakes and preferred not to offer anything other than his sympathy.

“No, I don’t. Jesus Christ, I’m the last person to give out advice to people [laughs]. I haven’t done anything really major, but I’ve said and done stupid things over the years, so I’m not going to stand here and make out like I’m some model citizen. I mean, I’m a decent person, don’t get me wrong, but I’ve said and done things that I regret, just like we all do. We’re all only human, so I’m not gonna stand here and make out that I’m holier than thou and give Jon Jones a lecture. I have nothing to offer on this occasion.”

This is just a very small snippet of a 30-minute interview that will air tomorrow. Please make sure to check it out when it goes live Thursday morning. Remember, if you’re looking for us on SoundCloud or iTunes, we’re under the MMA Nation name. Follow our Twitter accounts: Stephie HaynesThree Amigos Podcast, Geroge Lockhart, Iain Kidd and Mookie Alexander or our Facebook fan page, Three Amigos Pod