Midnight Mania!

Gone fishing

Welcome to Midnight Mania! Tonight is all about you, the Maniacs, taking over. I will be back next week with the regular column. In the meantime, feel free to comment with any MMA-related stuff you come across.

Instead of Insomnia

Listen to this music as you browse the comments. I’m somewhere in the future, still chasing the Weapon that Ended Humanity a hundred millenia from now. I’ll be back next week.

Follow my friend and professional musician AJ Herrick on his Youtube channel once you are done listening

Stay woke, Maniacs!

Gone fishing

Welcome to Midnight Mania! Tonight is all about you, the Maniacs, taking over. I will be back next week with the regular column. In the meantime, feel free to comment with any MMA-related stuff you come across.

Instead of Insomnia

Listen to this music as you browse the comments. I’m somewhere in the future, still chasing the Weapon that Ended Humanity a hundred millenia from now. I’ll be back next week.

Follow my friend and professional musician AJ Herrick on his Youtube channel once you are done listening

Stay woke, Maniacs!