MMA SQUARED: Luke Thomas vs Robin Black, a summary of the twitter beef and resolution

Chris Rini

A heavyweight fighting analyst battle left us all breathless. Friends, do you use twitter? If not, then let me briefly explain today’s cartoon. Mr. Thomas and Mr. Black had differing opinions on coach Robert Drysdale’s handlin…

Chris Rini, MMA Squared, Luke Thomas, Robin Black, twitter, ufc, dana white, Robert Drysdale, Max Rohskopf, Smoogy,

Chris Rini

A heavyweight fighting analyst battle left us all breathless.

Friends, do you use twitter? If not, then let me briefly explain today’s cartoon. Mr. Thomas and Mr. Black had differing opinions on coach Robert Drysdale’s handling of Max Rohskopf’s desire to quit his fight last Saturday between rounds. The disagreement devolved into a question of whether Luke had the right to opine on fighting due to his lack of actual professional fighting experience. Robin does have a pro fight record and the dialogue below is a selection of quotes from his spirited discussion with Luke.

Chris Rini, MMA Squared, Luke Thomas, Robin Black, twitter, ufc, dana white, Robert Drysdale, Max Rohskopf, Smoogy,
Chris Rini

The twitter user Smoogy had an amazing take on this beef, saying they should fight and that Luke should “win via throwing Robin into the ring post or something. Then he’d say something badass like ‘Your recalcitrance has been ameliorated, bitch’ “

I thought it was so funny I asked Smoogy if I could use their quote in today’s cartoon, but opted for this more family friendly resolution.

Take care of yourself and I’ll talk to you tomorrow.