Modern UFC Complete, What Next?

If things have seemed quiet around here the last few months, it’s because we have been hard at work behind the scenes. One of the major projects underway was completing part of our data collection project, encompassing every fight in modern UFC history. We are proud to announce that every UFC fight from UFC 28 until today has now been scored and entered into our database. We are working with strategic partners to deploy all of this data to the MMA community. While we’re not able to show all the numbers to you right away, over the course of the coming days and weeks, we’ll be sharing some interesting facts with you that could only be ascertained using this rich, comprehensive data set.

Our data collection project is ongoing, with no end-point in mind. The modern era of the UFC is clearly the most useful and important data to have, but there is much more data to be collected. What we’d like to know from you is what data you think should be next. Please share your thoughts with us using the poll below.

Source:Modern UFC Complete, What Next?