Nick Diaz: A Man Apart

Nick Diaz is not a villain. He is one of the baddest men to ever compete in a sport that sets the bar in terms of mental and physical fortitude. But the photos of him flipping off the camera and mean mugging do little to reflect his true nature…

Nick Diaz is not a villain. He is one of the baddest men to ever compete in a sport that sets the bar in terms of mental and physical fortitude. But the photos of him flipping off the camera and mean mugging do little to reflect his true nature. You can find out for yourself if you head to the gym he runs with his brother Nate in Lodi, California, put on a gi and train. Just leave your preconceived notions at the door.
“You better quit eating those Doritos,” Nick Diaz gently scolds his friend and assistant Jeff Torres. Diaz, standing in the boxing ring in the back room o … Read the Full Article Here