Ortiz is gunning for That No. 1 Spot

Rarely does a fighter’s record or ranking paint a full picture of who they truly are once the cage door closes.While championship belts signify the best in the business, to get an accurate read on just about everyone else, you can’t just lo…

Rarely does a fighter’s record or ranking paint a full picture of who they truly are once the cage door closes.While championship belts signify the best in the business, to get an accurate read on just about everyone else, you can’t just look at the wins and losses and where they land in the divisional hierarchy – you need to watch them compete; to know who they’ve fought and how their effort against each opponent measures up against those that came before and after them.In the UFC flyweight division, no fighter embodies that more than Dustin Ortiz.Tougher than a $3 s … Read the Full Article Here