Parade, Hero’s Welcome For Deiveson Figueiredo

Holy s—t that’s a lot of motorcycles! Newly-crowned Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) flyweight champion Deiveson Figueiredo is the talk of the town after winning the 125-pound title at UFC Fight Island 2 earlier this month in Abu Dhabi….

Holy s—t that’s a lot of motorcycles!

Newly-crowned Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) flyweight champion Deiveson Figueiredo is the talk of the town after winning the 125-pound title at UFC Fight Island 2 earlier this month in Abu Dhabi. And that town would be Soure in the Marajo island of Para, Brazil.

Pretty sure that’s where Jack T. Colton bought all those mangy birds.

“There was a lot of people there, I can’t even explain,” Figueiredo told MMA Fighting about the hero’s welcome he got upon his return. “The people from Soure showed their love, and you can be sure that I’ll work even harder to bring them more happiness.”

Figueiredo, 32, may even get his own “Rocky”-type statue.

The Brazilian crushed longtime flyweight veteran Joseph Benavidez to capture the 125-pound crown and is likely to make his first title defense later this year. “Deus da Guerra” improved to 19-1 as a pro with 16 finishes and I can’t help but wonder if former flyweight champion Henry Cejudo abandoned ship a little too prematurely.