Pat Barry Responds, Wordlessly, To Our Half-Baked Matchmaking Suggestion [LOL VIDEO]

(Props: MobyPicture/HypeOrDie)

If you don’t follow CagePotato on Twitter, you’re missing out on loads of incredibly deep thoughts that aren’t quite wordy enough to justify full-length blog posts. For example, this evening I publicly expressed my desire to see a fight between crowd-pleasing heavyweights Pat Barry and Josh Barnett.

Why do you hate us so?Barnett replied, which was good enough to make my night. Then, Barry decided to tweet out a video response, which you can watch above. There are no words, but through 11 seconds of interpretative face-making, HD expressed his feelings more clearly than mere talking ever could. I guess that’s a “no,” then.

How the hell could you not love this man?

(Props: MobyPicture/HypeOrDie)

If you don’t follow CagePotato on Twitter, you’re missing out on loads of incredibly deep thoughts that aren’t quite wordy enough to justify full-length blog posts. For example, this evening I publicly expressed my desire to see a fight between crowd-pleasing heavyweights Pat Barry and Josh Barnett.

Why do you hate us so?Barnett replied, which was good enough to make my night. Then, Barry decided to tweet out a video response, which you can watch above. There are no words, but through 11 seconds of interpretative face-making, HD expressed his feelings more clearly than mere talking ever could. I guess that’s a “no,” then.

How the hell could you not love this man?