Police take Rampage Jackson from his car while a–holes snap pics and post them online

Yeah I got pulled over by the cops today.. And no they didn’t have reason enough to sit me out my car so assholes can take pix and post it.. My passenger was at fault,but they was cool enough to let him go with a warning.. (Fame equals …

The police have nothing better to do than fuck with former Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) light heavyweight champions.

Not long after Jon Jones was (wrongly?) stopped and harassed by Johnny Law in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Bellator MMA attraction Quinton Jackson was pulled over and ordered out of his car because his passenger went and did something naughty.

From Instagram:

Yeah I got pulled over by the cops today.. And no they didn’t have reason enough to sit me out my car so assholes can take pix and post it.. My passenger was at fault, but they was cool enough to let him go with a warning.. (Fame equals no privacy) #fuckfame @wideazzsrt8 I’m gonna kick yo ass 4 getting me pulled over

Jackson is no stranger to legal trouble, having found himself on the wrong side of the law back in 2008 (more on that here). The good news is, “Rampage” was allowed to carry on his merry way after the recent stop and remains free and clear for his Bellator return later this year.

And yes, I understand the implications of this headline, so let’s go ahead and run with.