Sean “Big Sexy” McCorkle Has A Message For All The Haters

UFC heavyweight Sean “Big Sexy” McCorkle posted that photo, labeled “Ouch” on his Facebook page follow his defeat at the hands of opponent Christian Morecraft at UFC Fight Night 24.
McCorkle is a big internet trash talker and has earned as many fans as he has haters. With the loss to Morecraft, many […]

McCorkle post UFN 24 photo

UFC heavyweight Sean “Big Sexy” McCorkle posted that photo, labeled “Ouch” on his Facebook page follow his defeat at the hands of opponent Christian Morecraft at UFC Fight Night 24.

McCorkle is a big internet trash talker and has earned as many fans as he has haters. With the loss to Morecraft, many were quick to criticize the Indianapolis fighter.

“Big Sexy” took to Twitter (@BigSexyMcCorkle) to respond to his haters.

“Too many haters to address individually so I’ll send out a mass tweet. I live a life you can only dream of. I’m good looking, I’m hilarious, I date women you can only dream of, and I’m one of the toughest men in the world, even if I got my ass kicked tonight. There’s not one of you haters that wouldn’t trade places with me right now. Even if the UFC cuts me. Quit hating an do something with your lives. Jealousy will get you nowhere. And if you think anything you say bothers me at all, you’re crazy. It’s all entertainment to me. That’s why I go back and forth with you guys on here. Just so I can laugh. Love ya! (not really).”

McCorkle did come back to apologize for the message the next day though…well sort of.

“I want to apologize for my mass tweet sent out to all my haters last night. I’m apologizing because I forgot to add that my worst day is better than your best day. PS: I have a huge PP too”

So are you a ‘love him’ or ‘hate him’ kind of person when it comes to Sean “Big Sexy” McCorkle (10-2)?