Sengoku Raiden Championship 15 weigh-in results: Brian Cobb misses mark

All 20 fighters competing at this weekend’s Sengoku Raiden Championship
15 event hit the scales in anticipation of the show, and all but
one-time UFC veteran Brian Cobb made weight without issue.

The weigh-ins took place today in Tokyo, Japan. The cit…

All 20 fighters competing at this weekend’s Sengoku Raiden Championship
15 event hit the scales in anticipation of the show, and all but
one-time UFC veteran Brian Cobb made weight without issue.

The weigh-ins took place today in Tokyo, Japan. The city’s Ryogoku
Kokugikan hosts tomorrow’s show, which airs live in North America on
HDNet on Saturday morning at 2 a.m. ET.

Cobb did not take part in the usual pre-fight press conference as he
looked, unsuccessfully, to shed the six-plus pounds he was in excess of his
contracted weight.