"Strikeforce: Henderson vs. Babalu" weigh-in results: Main-card fighters on weight

ST. LOUIS – MMAjunkie.com was on scene and reporting live from today’s
official “Strikeforce: Henderson vs. Babalu” fighter weigh-ins.

Today’s festivities, which were free and open to the public, took place
at the Scottrade Center in St. Louis, which …

ST. LOUIS – MMAjunkie.com was on scene and reporting live from today’s
official “Strikeforce: Henderson vs. Babalu” fighter weigh-ins.

Today’s festivities, which were free and open to the public, took place
at the Scottrade Center in St. Louis, which also hosts Saturday’s
Showtime-televised event.

Among those weighing in were headliners Dan Henderson and Renato
“Babalu” Sobral, who concluded a main-card lineup that all successfully
made weight for the show.