Tito Ortiz Says UFC Would “Completely Fail” Without Dana White In Charge

“The Huntington Beach Bad Boy” Tito Ortiz has had a highly publicized history with UFC President Dana White, but while talking with the SiriusXM Rush Fight Club recently, Ortiz admitted that UFC would “completely fail” without White at the helm.

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“The Huntington Beach Bad Boy” Tito Ortiz has had a highly publicized history with UFC President Dana White, but while talking with the SiriusXM Rush Fight Club recently, Ortiz admitted that UFC would “completely fail” without White at the helm.

“I think the promotion would completely fail. I think it would crash and burn, that’s my opinion,” said Ortiz while talking with RJ Clifford and Steve Cofield. “I think Dana does a great job with the promotion. Sometimes we don’t agree on the same things but that’s just between me and him. Like I say, it’s a girlfriend-boyfriend type of relationship, him being the girlfriend of course.”

Ortiz continued, “Dana does a great job with what he does and that’s why the company is worth four billion dollars. Lorenzo [Fertitta] has stepped in and is doing an amazing job – from stepping down from Station Casinos – for what he does now. And giving the opportunity to Cris, I’m very thankful for that. But at the end of the day this is a business to them and if they’re able to sell it off for four billion, do what’s needed. I gave my heart and soul, blood, sweat, and tears to the company. I’ve gone on with my business and that’s the way it is.

“I think if the Chinese company didn’t bring Dana in it would crash and burn. It would be a lost cause but I guess it’s up to Dana to make those decisions.”

While Ortiz no longer has the cast of top-tier talent to fight like he did when he was in the UFC, he still sees some challenges on the horizon for him in the Bellator MMA organization.

“Royce Gracie is here, he’s competing,” said Ortiz. “He just stopped Ken Shamrock super quick. I think that would be a fun fight. I got caught with a submission by a black belt, Liam McGeary. Royce Gracie’s a black belt. Can he catch me? That’s a question. We’re both old pioneers of the sport, legends of the sport. I think the names would sell. Let’s give the fans something exciting.”

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